New Orleans Musicians
So many people are reaching out to help. Wendy Oxenhorn, at the Jazz Musicians Emergency Fund, sent me this information about funds specifically for New Orleans musicians:
Two great organizations to donate to:
New Orleans Musicians Clinic (NOMC)
This is a fantastic hands-on organization who has the names and addresses of so many great musicians because they have them all coming to their FREE health clinic all these years and now, they are the ones who are tracking down the local musicians and finding them shelter.
They can be contacted at
They are the New Orleans Musicians Clinic and know the whereabouts of the local musicians down there. Contact: Kathy Richard directly at 337 989-0001
Send donations to:
NOMC Emergency FundFunds will be distributed by:
SW LA Area Health Education Center Foundation, Inc.
103 Independence Blvd.
Lafayette, LA 70506
desk: 337-989-0001
fax: 337-989-1401
email: Foundation of America
We will be addressing the longer term needs of these jazz and blues artists who will have just lost everything.
We will be raising funds and distributing money for the musicians to get a new apartment or room for rent: by giving a first month’s rent, possibly more, for them to start over, a place to live. (This is what we normally do on a daily basis for musicians across the country who become sick and can’t pay their rent, we also keep food on the table and get employment to hundreds of elderly musicians through our Jazz in the Schools program. Our operations normally assist 35 musicians a week.)
As well, we will be attempting to help New Orleans musicians by replacing the thing that matters most and the only way they can ever work again: their instruments.
To those who lost their instruments, like drummers and bassists who could not carry their heavy equipment, and guitarist with their amps, we will be making an effort to work with manufacturers and music stores to replace those instruments for as many as we possibly can.
Send donations to:
Jazz Foundation of America
322 West 48th Street 6th floor
NYC 10036Director: Wendy Oxenhorn
Phone: 212-245-3999 Ext. 21
email contact:
website: www.jazzfoundation.orgTo make an online CREDIT CARD DONATION OR PLEDGE:
go to: