New Greenleaf Hats and Totes Available
We’ve got new merch available! There’s 2 ways to get it. Buy ’em or join us as a Tier 3 Subscriber!
Ball caps are $25 and can be ordered here.
Tote bags are also $25 and can be ordered here.
Items ship out Dec. 6th
These are brand new! Some of you may have the old Greenleaf totes. Now we’ve got these new super rugged LP bags in stock! They’re awesome. Hats! Never done those before. One size fits all. Get yours now.
We’re also looking into a new tee shirt line to match these tote bags. Let us know here if you’d be interested in having one. And if so what size(s).
Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving. We’ll be cooking.
As of November 1st 2019, anyone who starts or renews a Tier 3 Subscription will receive a free hat or tote of their choice. Join us.