Support US House Candidates

Thoughts from Greenleaf Music director Dave Douglas:
They say the real flip in this election cycle has to be from non-voter to voter.
Today we’re making small donations to five Democratic candidates for the US House of Representatives in our region. Spread your funds widely and let the world know you support a change from Red to Blue. Wave election coming. These candidates will flip the house to a sane agenda. Keep families together. Protect voting rights. Support equal treatment for women and people of color. Support the environment and international diplomacy. Stop the corruption and corporate giveaways in the tax bill. Support the arts and humanities as we support each other. And so much more.
Make sure you are registered. Make sure you vote. Support candidates as you can. We can make a difference right here at home.
The amount is not as important as your presence. Stand up and let them know you are with them. It’s not just how much money, it’s how many of us are standing there. See you at the polls.
Antonio Delgado NY 19
Anthony Brindisi NY 22
Dana Balter NY 24
Max Rose NY 11
Mikie Sherrill NJ 11