…and we’re up!
Click over to the Spirit Moves page at our webstore to see the packages we’ve put out there for you. The album is streaming in it’s entirety at that page as well. Plus there’s a new video from the DVD that is included in the Deluxe packaging. And there is sheet music, too. And… and… and… plenty more over there.
Subscriber update:
There are two bonus tracks available at the subscriber section – Hope, and Prayer for Baghdad. Both are from the same Brass Ecstasy session that brought Spirit Moves to fruition. Both are available as MP3s or FLACs.
Those who want to get in on the action over at the subscriber section (we’re over 2GB of unreleased material!), we have an offer for you involving Dave’s new record. Click here for more info.
To all who helped out: thank you, thank you.
And to our illustrious label head and artist-in-awesome: thanks for the new record, DD. Have a good time at Banff.