New Sanctuary | Luglio
A note from Dave on this month’s track:
All of these short ‘mini-compositions’ are meant to point the band in a direction. With improvisers like Susie and Marc a small hint is all you need. The short ‘head’ is played at the end of this track, following unaccompanied improvisations from each player. I remember this being really fun to play, and kind of mysterious—there is only one take—but I also remember looking forward to some live performances to open it up and explore it some more.
Thanks to those who’ve joined and are following this series. I hope you enjoy hearing each new piece as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together. We’re truly grateful for your support and we look forward to the new projects coming up in the future.
Best, Dave
Greenleaf Subscribers can stream and download Luglio on Bandcamp along with all of the tracks from the New Sanctuary series.
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