New preview video for ENGAGE subscribers series

We’ve released a new video of the ENGAGE Subscribers Series.

It’s a short preview of the series featuring footage from the debut concert at Zürcher Gallery in New York City, which was a warm up gig for the recording session a few days later.

The series features new music by Dave Douglas for a collaborative and communicative ensemble with Anna Webber (alto and bass flutes, tenor sax), Tomeka Reid (cello), Jeff Parker (guitar), Nick Dunston (bass), and Kate Gentile (drums). As well, some tracks feature guests David Adewumi and Riley Mulherkar on trumpet.

Check it out:

And if you’re not a subscriber yet, you can preview the entire series on Bandcamp here:

We hope you’ll join us to hear the entire ENGAGE series, while also getting access to our entire catalog along with 15+ hours of exclusive subscriber-only material. Read all the details here on the benefits of subscription.