August 1, 2018
Listen to a free track from our UPLIFT subscribers series.
Global interconnectedness and humanity. We need to educate ourselves so we can coexist on this planet. No single nation can “go it alone.”
July 30, 2018
Here’s a short preview of the July track from Greenleaf Music's 2018 subscriber series.
July 6, 2018
Amid all the struggles for justice, peace and equality this year, the right to health care remains one of the most persistent problems in this country.
June 1, 2018
The way we treat immigrants in this country says a lot about who we are. Emma Lazarus long ago told us to open our arms and welcome everyone.
May 4, 2018
The phrase comes from a James Baldwin piece on the struggle for racial justice. There is hard work that we all have to do.
April 4, 2018
Women’s empowerment, equal treatment, education, and health care are issues that intersect with every cause and movement. There is so much that has to change and this issue in particular can feel overwhelming.
March 1, 2018
Every Town is a powerful organization pleading for common sense gun controls in the United States. Action on this issue is so over due it is simply heartbreaking.
February 1, 2018
This month’s piece is dedicated to the movement for wealth equality and fairness.
January 22, 2018
This is a very different take on the tune than we released as part of the UPLIFT series. I really love the way everyone played here — it’s the first thing we did that day, and everyone feels relaxed and like they are taking time to dig in. I’m grateful for the players’ vision and trust—also for their faith in me making this statement about activism regarding our country.
January 8, 2018
The most powerful voice we have in making change is the power of the vote. Vote in every election, no matter how local. The right to vote is under attack around the country...
Responding to the current political and social climate of the United States and beyond, Dave Douglas has put together a new project that challenges himself and all of us to consider how we can pitch in toward positive change.