October 5, 2018
Our latest subscriber track, Fear No Love, supports Lamda Legal and their work on behalf of LGBTQ legal and civil rights.
September 5, 2018
This song is about support for the humanities: arts, culture, philosophy, language, love. Such a crucial part of who we all are, and yet so overlooked in our government, in our political environment.
August 1, 2018
Listen to a free track from our UPLIFT subscribers series.
Global interconnectedness and humanity. We need to educate ourselves so we can coexist on this planet. No single nation can “go it alone.”
July 6, 2018
Sound Prints tours Europe July 27 to August 5 with Joe Lovano, Dave Douglas, Lawrence Fields, Linda May Han Oh and Joey Baron.
Amid all the struggles for justice, peace and equality this year, the right to health care remains one of the most persistent problems in this country.
June 1, 2018
The way we treat immigrants in this country says a lot about who we are. Emma Lazarus long ago told us to open our arms and welcome everyone.
May 4, 2018
The phrase comes from a James Baldwin piece on the struggle for racial justice. There is hard work that we all have to do.
April 20, 2018
Record Store Day is offering offering “On Pebble Street,” a limited edition Sound Prints 7″ 45 on emerald green vinyl.
April 4, 2018
Women’s empowerment, equal treatment, education, and health care are issues that intersect with every cause and movement. There is so much that has to change and this issue in particular can feel overwhelming.
March 20, 2018
Sound Prints, co-led by Joe Lovano and Dave Douglas, is touring Europe in May!
March 12, 2018
We're excited to announce that we'll be releasing a Sound Prints 7" vinyl 45!