We received this appeal from Chamber Music America:
We’re all aware of the recent tragedy that devastated Joplin, MO. To find out how CMA might help, we called Cynthia Schwab – our former board member and the founder of Pro Musica, the classical music presenter in Joplin and the surrounding four-state area. Cynthia assured us that she is fine, as is Pro Musica, but told us that among the casualties of the tornado that swept through town was the Joplin High School. All of the school’s musical instruments were lost; none can be salvaged.
CMA members can help by contributing to Chamber Music America and designating the gift for the Joplin High School Instrument Fund. One hundred percent of the funds will go to the school to purchase replacement instruments. We will accept monetary contributions (no instruments, please) until July 15.
Help support the effort by making checks payable to Chamber Music America, and sending to 305 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10001, or go to the CMA homepage to make a contribution online.