Preview our July subscriber track
Here’s a short preview of the July track from our 2018 subscriber series: UPLIFT features twelve…
ANFTD #53: Sara Serpa
Dave sits down with Sara Serpa to listen to some her new album on Clean Feed as well as talk about…
Sheet music now available at Bandcamp
We recently moved all of our subscription service to Bandcamp to better serve our community, and…
New Events Dates
We just listed a whole bunch of dates for our community of Greenleaf artists. Visit our events page…
ANFTD #51: Marcus Strickland
Dave talks to multi-reed player, composer, Blue Note recording artist Marcus Strickland. Aside from…
ANFTD #50: Ted Daniel
TED DANIEL, TRUMPETER AND COMPOSER Interviewed on APRIL 8, 2018 Ted Daniel, trumpeter and composer…