Toronto JazzFest Preview in TheStar
Dave and Keystone hit the Toronto JazzFest (and the Montreal Fest for that matter) next week in support of the Spark releases. Can’t wait for this band to come through Chicago — it’s been awhile since I’ve seen them.
Dug this question and answer from the recent interview with TheStar…
Q How should [Spark Of Being] rank in your catalogue?
A I think in the larger scheme of things, people who are aware of my work will know that I’ve been pursuing this avenue of mixing acoustic improvisation with electronic sound for a long time and I think at this point in my career this is sort of a culmination of what can be done with that. I would hope that that would be the contribution. As in any musical endeavour, one also hopes that the melodies are wonderful, and I’m working with harmony and rhythm and timbre, all the other standard elements of music as well.
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