Dave Douglas Quintet Live at the Jazz Standard
The project is all up on our web site now. Every set from this past week is now available at our store, here. Plenty of samples as well. The full discounted package will be up tomorrow.
Many thanks are in order.
Thanks first of all to the musicians!
Donny McCaslin, Uri Caine, James Genus, Clarence Penn.
What can I say other than: They’re the best! With almost fifty tunes at their fingertips (and beyond just recalling details) they brought imagination, creativity and passion to every performance. I have been playing with this group a long time, and this is by far the most challenging and rewarding thing we’ve ever done. To hear them play all the material I have written for the band over the years is simply humbling. It was a huge task to get all that together and I can’t thank them enough.
Thanks to Geoff Countyman and Tyler McDiarmid who painstakingly monitored, recorded, and mastered every moment. Excellence above and beyond the call.
Thanks to everyone at the Jazz Standard and especially Martin Goodman who directed the board and the mixing team. Thanks also to Claudia Engelhart who came in the first night and helped hook us up.
Thanks to everyone at Greenleaf Music: Mike Friedman who coordinated the many details, and Jim Tuerk who was responsible for actually making the music reach you. And a special thanks to Eric Hofmeister who was able to take changing details at the very last minute and create a beautiful cover design.
Thanks also to everyone who came down to the club and brought such good energy to the room! And thanks to you, the listeners who are checking this out all around the world. A lot of the inspiration for recording the band this way came from conversations with listeners. Immediacy is one of the most engaging elements for me, and it was my desire to get this music to you as close to the source as possible. This is the band in its raw state, playing new music and pushing our own boundaries in the process. It’s all there on the tapes.