2024 Subscriber Updates
Greeting new and future subscribers!
Over the past month, Greenleaf Music has revisited and revamped the subscription offers, and we are excited to share with you some changes as well as additional features and perks!
First, we will be debuting a special private playlist on the Greenleaf YouTube channel – The Video Vault – where subscribers will have access to live archival footage of Dave Douglas and others performing over the past few decades. We will be editing + adding to this throughout the year, a few full songs per month.
We will also be offering deeper discounts for all tiers (including box sets + new releases) :
Tier 1: 25% off anything in store (previously 0%)
Tier 2: 35% off anything in store (previously 25%)
Tier 3: 50% off anything in store (previously 40%)
Subscribers, an updated discount code will arrive in your inbox next week!
A Noise From The Deep: Greenleaf is planning some incredible guests to join Dave for an interview and Q&A with subscribers via Zoom. The first episode in this new format is planned for June 23 with Rafiq Bhatia, guitarist in the GIFTS Quartet. This is not the end of the audio Podcast but the beginning of a new phase, where subscribers can watch them being made and participate.
20% off Subscriptions & Store
For this weekend only, take 20% off new subscriptions here. No discount code needed.
Tier 1 $75 $60
Tier 2 $125 $100
Tier 3 $175 $140
The rest of the store has been discounted by 20% as well. Use code ‘Summer24‘. Visit our store.
Sale ends Sunday @ midnight PT.